OMNI Wheels make your carrying products More Effective

We start exporting OMNI Wheels.
Will you change current using wheels to OMNI Wheels?
If you are working at factory or warehouse, please consider using OMNI Wheels for your more effective performance.
In factory or warehouse, your using picklig power lifter and trolley can be more effective working
OMNI Wheel advantages when you use it for pickling power lifter
– Easy movement in multiple directions
– To reduce sway back and forward
– Lower start resistance
Please visit the video to understand the benefits. (Please watch from 1:37 for trolley)
OMNI Wheel advantages when you use it for AGV and trolley
– Move to the side to side with easier and smoother
– To reduce working hour
Please visit the video to understan the benefits.
Please contact us if you have any questions.