new venture to new world

TIC Corporation Ltd. was established as trading company in Japan.
However, most of businesses are for import the industrial products especially precision spray nozzle from Germany call Lechler.
And little by little, we expand the business for air equipment like O.N. Beck (Now part of Secomak Ltd. in UK) and Sonic Air Systems in US.
It is the nature that TIC employees change therefore we are now seeking to export Japanese products that you have not ever seen before.
It seems to us some of Japanese customers wish to do that but they do not have know how.
TIC Corporation has more than 30 years experience of trading therefore we, of course, import and export to all of the World.
The purpose of this website is we would like to share what we are doing and what products that made in Japan are.
If you are interested in, please inform us our colleagues and expand the business to all of the world and hope you will like it.
More than 15 years ago, we sold below product call “tubing dispenser” to ASEAN countries.
Who are still interested in about it, please contact us.